The selection process of prospective students for the Postgraduate Program consists of 3 stages:

  1. Selection of the completeness of the required documents:
    1. Diploma/proof of graduation from previous educational stages
    2. Transcripts from previous educational stages
    3. Research Proposal 
    4. Proof of insurance ownership
    5. Recommendation from 2 recommenders (lecturer or supervisor)
    6. Recommendation from Doctoral promotor 
    7. Letter of willingness to join the Postgraduate Program
    8. Statement of ability to finance the Postgraduate Program
    9. Affidavit of documents authenticity  
  2. Selection of proof of passing the minimum score of TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB.
  3. Selection of academic skills carried out in the destination study program.


Prospective students who have passed the selection of the required documents and the academic skills are allowed to complete the selection of evidence of passing the minimum score of TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB


Applicants are graduates of the Master Program (S2) from an accredited university or equivalent in the scope of the appropriate scientific field. 

Applicants for the Doctoral Program must be able to meet the following requirements:

  • Have a minimum grade point average (IP) of 3.00 for the Master Program 
  • Pass the selection of academic requirements and skills held by the destination study program
  • Pass the English Proficiency score (TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB)
  • Pass the Basic Academic Potential (TPA Bappenas/UPDA ITB)
  • Have a prospective promoter before registering 
  • Pay the fee for the new student selection process. 



Under the ITB Academic Regulation, article 18 paragraph 3 states that acceptance of new students for the Postgraduate Program can be cancelled if the person concerned:

  1. Is proven cheating when participating in the selection of new student admissions.
  2. Have been registered as a postgraduate student at ITB at the same level/strata and have been declared a dropout.
  3. Have been registered as a postgraduate student at ITB at the same level/strata and have submitted a resignation (UNDRI) from the study program, except for postgraduate students who submit their resignation for non-academic reasons that can be accepted by ITB.


Prospective students can register online on the Registration page by submitting the following required documents:

  • Official Certificate/Diploma of Bachelor Program
  • Official Certificate/Diploma of Master Program 


If the diploma has not been obtained, a Graduation Certificate (SKL) from the previous university signed by the Chancellor/Dean can be used. A statement that the prospective student has completed Bachelor/Master level education and has passed the judicium must also be included. Prospective students applying with the SKL must submit the official diploma by the time of New Student Admission. 

  • Complete Official Academic Transcript for Bachelor Program starting from the first to last semester
  • Complete Official Academic Transcript for Master Program with a minimum grade point average (IP) of 3.00 starting from the first to last semester 
  • Proof of health insurance ownership (not accident insurance)
    • ITB requires all students to have health insurance to facilitate hospitalization due to illness while carrying out their education at ITB. Prospective students must show proof of health insurance ownership which is valid for a minimum of 2 semesters (can be extended). 
    • Prospective students who use BPJS/KIS as an insurance document can use BPJS from the agency/workplace and BPJS independent. ITB accepts all BPJS/KIS classes. 
    • BPJS users only need to upload an active BPJS participant card accompanied by a screenshot from the online JKN application. BPJS users do not need to ask for a stamp/signature from the BPJS office. BPJS Card and the latest proof of transaction or screenshot from JKN online can be used.
  • Passport photo
  • Letter of willingness to join the ITB Doctoral Program
  • Statement of ability to finance the ITB Doctoral Program
  • Statement of documents authenticity 
  • Research proposal , which includes the following:
    • Interests and goals for attending the Doctoral Program 
    • Field of study interested
    • Proposed research topics
  • Official English Proficiency certificate in one of the following:
    • All participant have to take the English Proficiency Test, conducted by ITB. English Language Proficiency Test participants can register at
    • Minimum score for  English Proficiency certificate are:
      • TOEFL iBT (recognized by minimum of 56, or
      • TOEFL ITP (recognized by minimum of 475, or
      • TOEIC (recognized by minimum of 500, or
      • IELTS (recognized by minimum of 5, or
      • Minimum ELPT ITB of 77.
    • The score requirements may be higher than the values listed above in certain study programs. 
  • Official Basic Academic Potential certificate in one of the following:
    • All participant have to take the Basic Academic Potential Test (UPDA ITB), conducted by ITB. Basic Academic Potential Test participants can register at  
    • Minimum score for Basic Academic Potential Test certificate are:
      • TPA Bappenas minimum of 475, or
      • UPDA ITB minimum of 475
    • The score requirements may be higher than the values listed above in certain study programs. 
  • Provisions regarding the requirements for TPA Bappenas documents and TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB documents are as follows:
    • For the 2023/2024 ITB Postgraduate Aadmission Program, all participants are required to take the English Proficiency Test (TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB) and the Basic Academic Potential Test/TPA held by ITB.
    • ITB Postgraduate Admission participants who already have a valid TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB certificate and/or Bappenas TPA can use the certificate. ITB only accepts TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB and/or TPA Bappenas certificates which are sent directly by official institutions that administer the TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB test and/or TPA Bappenas test to ITB.
    • For ITB Postgraduate Admission participants who come from overseas universities and/or are foreign nationals, the following conditions apply:
      • Participants from overseas university who are enrolled in programs in English, do not required to submit the English Proficiency document, by attaching proof from their home university.
      • Participants of foreign nationality who come from English-speaking countries, do not required to submit the English Proficiency document
      • Participants of foreign nationality who have minimum GPA of 3.25  (scale 4) or equivalent, do not required to submit the basic academic potential document.
  • Recommendation from Doctoral program promotor
  • Recommendation from 2 (two) recommenders
    • The recommender must fill out the form on the admission page via a special link sent to the recommender’s email address.
    • The recommender must be lecturers/academic superiors who know the prospective student and can recommend joining the Postgraduate Program.
  • Pay the Registration Fee
    • The registration fee is IDR 1,000,000 (one million rupiahs).
    • This fee does not include the cost for the ELPT/TOEFL/IELTS test. The payment can be made through a bank transfer to the account number submitted on the admission page of each prospective student.
    • ITB will not refund any payment that has been made in any condition


Registration of prospective students for the Doctoral Program is declared complete after the prospective students fill in all the requested data on the online registration page and submit all required documents.

Prospective students who have not completed online registration or do not meet the required documents under the provisions of ITB will be declared to fail to pass the selection of completeness documents and not allowed to take part in the further selection process at ITB.

Prospective students must take the entrance screening test based on the schedule and test material set by the respective study program. Information regarding the schedule and test materials are available in the Study Program Test Schedule section.

ActivitiesFirst PeriodSecond PeriodThird PeriodFourth PeriodFifth Period
Participant Registration (online)19 February – 12 March 2025 (15.00 WIB)19 March – 15 April 2025 (15.00 WIB)22 April – 20 May 2025 (15.00 WIB)3 – 24 June (15.00 WIB)1 – 17 July (15.00 WIB)
Selection Process at Study Program14- 18 March 202517 – 22 April 202522 – 28 May 202525 June – 4 July 202521 – 22 July 2025
ELPT Test*More Information:  More Information:  More Information:  More Information:  More Information: 
UPDA Test*More Information: Information: Information: Information: Information:
Selection Result Announcement21 March 2025 (15.00 WIB)25 April 2025 (15.00 WIB)4 June 2025 (15.00 WIB)9 July 2025 (15.00 WIB)31 July 2025 (15.00 WIB)
New Student Registration26 April – 4 May 202526 April – 4 May 202511 – 18 July 202511 – 18 July 20251 – 7 August 2025
Tuition Fee Payment6 – 11 May 20256 – 11 May 202521 – 27 July 202521 – 27 July 20258 – 12 August 2025
Academic Advisorywill be announced laterwill be announced laterwill be announced laterwill be announced laterwill be announced later
New Student Convocationwill be announced laterwill be announced laterwill be announced laterwill be announced laterwill be announced later
First Day of Lecture1 September 20251 September 20251 September 20251 September 20251 September 2025


This international program is open only for foreign nationals and does not admit Indonesian nationals.

Registration fee for Doctor Program is IDR 1,000,000 per submission, not including Bank Transfer Fee. The payment can be made by transferring the money to a Virtual Bank Account which will appear on your registration page or by Credit Card. ITB will not refunding any payment that has been made in any condition.

According to the Central Bank of Republic of Indonesia Regulation No 17/3/PBI/2015, the prices goods and services offered in Indonesia have to be presented in Rupiah, therefore ITB Doctor Program Tuition Fee are :

  • School of Business and Management : IDR 41,000,000 per semester
  • Non School of Business and Management : IDR 35,000,000 per semester

Before online registration, applicants must read the requirements and steps for applying to the Master or Doctoral Program. Prospective students can only register in the specific period when the study program aims to accept prospective students.

Faculty / School Degree Study Program Gel. 1 Gel. 2 Gel. 3
FITB S2 Master of Land Administration
FITB S2 Geological Engineering V V V
FITB S2 Earth Sciences V V V
FITB S2 Groundwater Engineering V V V
FITB S2 Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering V V V
FITB S3 Geological Engineering V V V
FITB S3 Earth Sciences V V V
FITB S3 Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering V V V
FMIPA S2 Mathematics V V V
FMIPA S2 Physics V V V
FMIPA S2 Astronomy V V V
FMIPA S2 Chemistry V V
FMIPA S2 Actuarial Sciences
FMIPA S2 Computational Sciences V V V
FMIPA S2 Teaching Mathematics V V
FMIPA S2 Physics Teaching V V V
FMIPA S2 Chemistry Teaching V V
FMIPA S2 Nuclear Science and Engineering V V V
FMIPA S3 Mathematics V V V
FMIPA S3 Physics V V V
FMIPA S3 Astronomy V V V
FMIPA S3 Chemistry V V
FMIPA S3 Nuclear Engineering V V V
FSRD S2 Visual Arts
FSRD S2 Design
FSRD S3 Visual Arts and Design
FTI S2 Chemical Engineering
FTI S2 Engineering Physics V V V
FTI S2 Industrial Engineering and Management
FTI S2 Instrumentation and Control V V V
FTI S2 Master of Applied Logistics Oriented
FTI S3 Chemical Engineering V V
FTI S3 Engineering Physics V V V
FTI S3 Industrial Engineering and Management
FTMD S2 Mechanical Engineering V V
FTMD S2 Aeronautics and Astronautics V V
FTMD S2 Material Engineering V V
FTMD S3 Mechanical Engineering V V
FTMD S3 Aeronautics and Astronautics V V
FTMD S3 Material Science and Engineering V V
FTSL S2 Civil Engineering
FTSL S2 Environmental Engineering V V V
FTSL S2 Ocean Engineering V V V
FTSL S2 Management of Water Clean Infrastructure and Sanitation V V V
FTSL S2 Water Resources Management V V V
FTSL S2 Highway Engineering and Development
FTSL S3 Civil Engineering V V
FTSL S3 Environmental Engineering V V V
FTTM S2 Mining Engineering V V V
FTTM S2 Petroleum Engineering V V V
FTTM S2 Geophysical Engineering V V V
FTTM S2 Metallurgical Engineering V V V
FTTM S2 Geothermal Engineering V V V
FTTM S3 Mining Engineering V V V
FTTM S3 Petroleum Engineering V V V
FTTM S3 Geophysical Engineering V V V
SAPPK S2 Development Studies V V V
SAPPK S2 Transportation V V V
SAPPK S2 Architecture
SAPPK S2 Regional and City Planning
SAPPK S2 Urban Design
SAPPK S2 Tourism Planning V V V
SAPPK S2 Landscape Architecture V V V
SAPPK S3 Transportation V V V
SAPPK S3 Architecture V V
SAPPK S3 Regional and City Planning
SBM S2 Master in Management Science
SBM S2 Master of Business Administration V V V
SBM S2 Master of Business Administration – Jakarta V V V
SBM S3 Doctor in Science Management
SF S2 Pharmacy V V V
SF S2 Master of Sport
SF S2 Pharmaceutical Industry
SF S3 Pharmacy V V V
SITH S2 Biology V V V
SITH S2 Biotechnology V V V
SITH S2 Biomanagement V V V
SITH S3 Biology V V V
SPS S2 Nano Technology V V V
SPS S3 Nano Sciences and Technology V V V
STEI S2 Electrical Engineering V V V
STEI S2 Informatics Engineering
STEI S3 Electrical Engineering and Informatics V V

You will need a visa to enter Indonesia – in which you can obtain at the nearest Embassy or Consular Office of Indonesia in your country. Please visit these link bellow to get further information abour your pre-departure preparation :

If you need for more information or discussion about International Graduate program, please do not hesitate to contact us to :

ITB Directorate of Academic Affair

Gd. CCAR ITB lt.4, Jl. Tamansari 64 Bandung

Wathsapp: +62 811 210 1920

Instagram: @admission.itb


or to :

ITB International Relations Office (IRO)

Jl. Ganesa no. 17 Bandung

Phone : 022-2504282

Facs : 022-2504282

E-mail :

Website :

A variety of scholarship programs are available for prospective students interested in pursuing their studies at ITB. For detailed information, please access the following link:  

Online Registration